Saturday, July 10, 2010

Catching up, 2: Home show(s)

My home show in early December was a big success, thanks to wonderful artists who joined with me and thanks to loyal (and first-time!) customers and thanks to my long-suffering family who allowed me to turn our house upside down for a week or so.

Um, er, . . . is it too early for me to mention this year's show?

No, of course not, Mary Ellen. What can you tell us about your 2010 home show?

Well, OK, since you ask: The dates aren't certain, but December 10 - 12 look like a good bet. In the past, my home show has been my last event of the year. And each year, I've heard from disappointed customers who were sick or who were out of town or who were busy with visitors or who, for whatever reason, were unable to get to the show. Good news: This year there's a good chance that I will be displaying my wares again a week after my home show at the home of Patti and Bonnie Brown, artists who have been participating in my show since the beginning. Want more information? Check back here periodically; when I know more, you'll know more.

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